> 支持向量机工具箱 - LIBSVM OSU_SVM LS_SVM源码程序 > 支持向量机工具箱 - LIBSVM OSU_SVM LS_SVM\stprtool\Contents.m

    % Statistical Pattern Recognition Toolbox.
% Contents
%   bayes     - (dir) Bayes classification.
%   datasets  - (dir) Functions for handling with data sets.
%   generalp  - (dir) General purpose functions.
%   learning  - (dir) Statistical learning methods.
%   linear    - (dir) Linear discriminat function synthesis.
%   quadrat   - (dir) Quadratic discriminant function synthesis.
%   pca       - (dir) Principal Component Analysis.
%   svm       - (dir) Support Vectors Machines.
%   Contents.m   - this file
%   modiflog.txt - Log file with modifications to the toolbox.
%   readme.txt   - File to be read first before start working
%                  with the toolbox.
%   setpath.m    - Set path to the STPRtoolbox.
% List of demo programs
%   Linear discriminat function:
%    andrdemo    - Generalized Anderson's task.
%    fishdemo    - Fisher's classifiers, convex cones.
%    lindemo     - Finite point sets splitting (Perceptron, etc. ).
%   Quadratic discriminant function:
%    quademo     - Non-linear data mapping, quadratic function.
%   Statistical learning methods:
%    mmdemo      - Minimax learnig algorithms.
%    unsudemo    - Unsupervised (EM) learning algorithms.
%   Bayes:
%    bayesdemo1  - Discriminat function of Bayes classifier.
%    bayesdemo2  - Bayes classsification and error estimation.
%    bayesdemo3  - Bayesian risk and minimax strategy.
%   Principal Component Analysis (PCA):
%    pcademo1    - Demo on the standard linear PCA.
%    kpcademo1   - Demo on the non-linear Kernel-PCA.
%   Support Vector Machines:
%    svmdemo     - Demo on the Support Vector Machines.
%    multisvmdemo1 - Demo on using multi-class Support Vector Machines.
%    minballdemo1 - Demo on findinf minimal ball around data.

% Statistical Pattern Recognition Toolbox, Vojtech Franc, Vaclav Hlavac
% (c) Czech Technical University Prague,
% Written Vojtech Franc (diploma thesis) 26.02.2000
% Modifications
% 11-Nov-2001, V.Franc, bayesdemo3
% 23-Oct-2001, V.Franc, SVM demo
% 6-June-2001, V.Franc, PCA demos
% 11-june-2001, V.Franc, Bayes demo added
% 24. 6.00 V. Hlavac, updated to match actual state.
% 23-mar-2001, V.Franc, added new directories